
A startup for fullstack real estate marketing

allmyhomes guides developers of real estate projects through the whole process: from finding the right concept over building a brand and creating marketing material to selling the units in the fastest time at the best price. All of that is based on data and experience and the clients will only pay for sold units.

A lot to cover for one small landing page so we had some storytelling to do in order to make potential clients visualize their risk free journey through a risky market.


A core part of the website are illustrations that show users the service process and what allmyhomes is capable of.

Website design

In seven sections we explained what allmyhomes can do, how they do it, what they already accomplished, who their clients are and what they say about them.

A light yellow tone was the only existing corporate color, but mostly was used on white backgrounds. I decided to use it on a dark background to bring out its luminosity and create a premium looking design.

Allmyhomes LandingpageAllmyhomes Landingpage Mobile


To support the storytelling of the landing page and make it visually more interesting and vivid, we created a few animations.