JayKay is a German startup constructing e-trucks for longboards and skateboards that hold all of that technology inside of the truck.
Starting with a Kickstarter campaign we did a little rebranding in order to spice up their communication since it didn’t really get that lifestyle vibe of boardsports across.
We started with an existing logo which should remain the way it was and a two tone color palette consisting of black and orange. The key idea was to take the inner part of the logo and use it to visualize both the distance skaters could cover using the speedy e-trucks but also the way the brand had to go. Apart from that we developed a typographical system based on the corporate font that would work throughout all the merchandizing material.
Since all of the existing visuals didn't really look exciting, we decided to add some color. Based on the brand guide we used all of the secondary colors to to make things more vivid.
Our new element should visualize the effortless way to move with your board. It found use in many different ways.
The colors and stripes work in infographics, on photos or simply as background. We created icons for the key figures and a whole presentation on Kickstarter.